#MTBOS Sunday Summary – 1st Challenge Of The School Year

MTBOSChallenge_3So I am jumping in on the #mtboschallenge so that I can keep up good blogging habits throughout the school year.

Since it is Sunday, I will be doing the 3-2-1 summary today.

3 Things I Am Excited For

  1. I have not started school yet but I will be another week. I am excited to see my students as I have my first couple of days all planned out!
  2. Organization: I have cleaned out all of my drawers in my desk at school and recycled any papers I did not need. As I go through the year, I have a plan to keep myself organized and I feel as though I might actually stick to unlike others I have tried in the past. I am hopeful!
  3. Teaching regular geometry again this year. I taught it 2 years ago and looking back at a lot of my stuff, I don’t think I did that class justice and did way too many “notes”. It was kind of dull. My goal is to think about how I can structure the class better so it is more of them doing stuff and less of me just talking at them.

2 Things I Am Nervous About

  1. I will be starting grad school in just a couple of weeks to get a masters degree in math education. I know it will be fine but it will be a challenge to balance going to grad school with everything else in my life. It will be good for me though and lots of people have survived so I should be fine….right?
  2. My school is moving to AB block scheduling this year. With Common Core, we beefed up our classes with more stuff but now I am losing time due to block. Not seeing my students every day is what scares me the most but we shall see how it works. I hope I can keep them entertained for 90 minutes!

1 Thing On My Mind

  1. Now that I am involved with twitter and going to try blogging more, I think this is the year I will have lots of awesome professional development! Whether it is great twitter conversations, reading other peoples blogs involved in the challenges, or attending conference like ICTM in October or Friday night MMC Meetings once a month; I will be learning a lot! I need to make sure I keep track of all the awesome stuff I come across and force myself to write it down otherwise I will never remember!

Can’t wait to keep blogging and read everyone’s posts!